5 Marketing Tips Top Chinese Fashion Bloggers Have For B2B Marketers

5 Marketing Tips Top Chinese Fashion Bloggers Have For B2B Marketers

Written by Elijah Whaley

Top Chinese fashion bloggers can teach you some life-changing lessons, like: Bold accessories make or break your outfit, how it's all about layering, and how to be a more effective better B2B marketer.

No, that’s not a typo.

Top Chinese Fashion Bloggers can Teach B2B marketing

Besides looking good, Chinese fashion bloggers are SMM leaders. As a B2B marketer, you should consider their content strategies seriously. They can teach you how to have a more human brand identity to build larger, more engaged audiences.

Learn About Your Customers

Chinese fashion bloggers are great case studies for personalized branding — the most crucial trend to understand right now — because they monetize their personalities using the same platforms you’ll use as you expand in China. And unlike traditional celebrities, most build their brands for free at first, using only genuine content.

In other words, they bootstrap their personal brands in ways that make pro marketing firms salivate. While success in their niche often depends on natural social intelligence, you can also adopt some of their tactics in your B2B marketing tactics.

What b2b marketers can learn from influencers

ONE: Don't sell. Help, educate, inform, and entertain

Influencers have better content channels than traditional brands because they don’t worry about selling, they focus on effecting people. For B2B marketers who do the same, the ROI will come. It’s no secret that appearing sales-driven turns people away, so why approach content creation as a facade? Feel free to consider ROI, but only as a measure of how well you’re helping your target audience do business with you. Niche Audience Targeting

Niche social media Audience Targeting

TWO: Focus on a niche audience

Many marketers want to target as large an audience as possible — it’s their knee-jerk reaction. Fashion bloggers know that's a mistake , and so should you. Narrowing your target focus and increasing the value of marketing content for that niche audience will garner more engagement. That engagement is the first step for buyers towards the ultimate sale.

As marketers, we constantly try to coax customers down the funnel, but the drive to deliver ROI is fraught with banner ads, spam mail, and self-endorsement of all kinds. Being part of an organic niche community can eliminate some of those.

The Future of B2B Marketing

Future of B2B Marketing

THREE: Cultivate followers

Influencers care about their followers. They are not growth numbers, sales quotas, or any other business metric we B2B marketers often use. Influencers live and die by the love and adoration of their followers, and they are grateful for their support.  We have a tendency to be too cold. The moment a potential prospect shows signs of not being a potential revenue source, B2B marketers write them off as value-less.

But friends have friends have friends.

I might not serve your needs, but if I am kind, grateful, and willing to help you, your referrals far outweigh the costs of my time. Pre-roll Ads are Dead

Pre roll Ads are Dead

FOUR: Be genuinely helpful

Influencers help people, whether by entertaining, curating information, or showing a unique perspective. They provide value first. To beat out conventional corporate marketing efforts, approach online communities with an attitude focused on maximizing reach though creating content worth sharing.

Create Content For Your Audience

Create Content For Your social media Audience

FIVE: Engage with those who engage with you

Increased reach is great, but often expensive. So why not focus on increasing conversions with the reach you have? In a campaign-driven B2B marketing world, everything is measured to the detail. Thus we end up with blasts of choppy content in corporate marketing instead of the smooth flow of contagiousness exuded by the best social media influencers.

Simply: Your goal should be to increase engagement. It's no easy task, but the best way to start is to provide something of value for free.

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